Reflections upon a Path to Union

Sharing a Yogic Vision of Cosmic Unity

Penny Frampton

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Embark on a transcendental adventure with me, Penny Frampton, as I recount a meditative vision that marries the profound realms of spirituality with the grounded world of science. Imagine a vast sphere teeming with particles, each one a note in the symphony of our interconnected universe, enveloped by an energetic membrane that whispers the secrets of unity and individuality. Within this episode, I navigate the delicate intricacies of energy, forces, and consciousness, inviting you to consider how our unique spirits contribute to the cosmic tapestry, a theme untouched by scientific instruments but deeply felt in the hearts of seekers.

As dawn's light breaks the horizon, I reflect on the art of maintaining a spiritual presence within the trance of meditation, where visions come into focus and ego fades to the background. Woven through our conversation are the shared experiences of listeners worldwide, united in the quest for enlightenment through yogic practice and contemplative thought. Join me in contemplating the profound questions that arise from heightened clarity in meditation and learn how these insights can lead to a deeper understanding of our soul's purpose, beyond the earthly plane.

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Speaker 1:

are the pages of a diary footsteps in the sand, revelations, epiphanies, impressions and experiences, a personal exploration into the spiritual evolution of humanity from duality to union. I am Penny Frampton and I am the host of the podcast Reflections Upon a Path to Union Arcanist, esotericist, theosophist, mystic, occultist and yogi, and this is my personal journey upon the path of spiritual exploration. Today's podcast is a recording of a talk I gave on the 16th of September last year. It was the first time I had attempted to record a vision I was experiencing whilst remaining in a meditative state and I upload it here exactly as it was recorded. The sound quality is not perfect, but I wanted to retain the quality of the experience as it unfolded in real time.

Speaker 1:

Good morning, wisdom. This is Penny Frampton at Agni Yoga on Wisdom, and I'm going to attempt to do something that I haven't done before, which is to remain in meditation trance. A meditation trance describe a vision that I am seeing and experiencing so I will have my eyes closed and I won't be accepting guests until the end and describe what I'm experiencing now this came about and describe what I'm experiencing. Now, this came about because I've been talking to Chris here on Wisdom, about science and spirituality, and it got me contemplating and considering a lot of the terms that we use in spirituality, and a lot of the terms that I use are energy and forces. As Chris so rightly said, they are a very different meaning and disruption science, and it got me contemplating the fact that we don't really have a definition energy and forces as we use them in spirituality. So what usually happens for me is when I'm contemplating questions and concepts, when I meditate first in the morning, I can get very strong visual concepts, ideas, and they come in the form of very strong visuals. Some may call them visions, of course.

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So I'm going to try and describe to you what I experienced in meditation and what I'm trying to hold at the moment, in the state I'm in at the moment, and that is that, if you try to imagine a huge spherical condensation of for want of a better word atoms and particles and all those scientific terms, quarks, whatever you like, but there is this spherical form which is made up of billions and billions and mind-boggling, uncountable particles. These particles are held in this spherical form by an energetic membrane. The only way you can describe it is like the surface of a bubble or a droplet of water on the surface of water. There's a tension between what is this spherical form and what is outside of that spherical form, and the membrane, if you like, is and this is where my science fails me, but it's like negative and positively charged particles holding that membrane in place, if you like. So, within this huge membrane, we have these billions and billions and billions of particles and atoms and ions and neutrons, whatever you want to call them, because I'm not going to name them, but I am aware that every single one has different qualities.

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Now, what do I mean by qualities? Each one has a different colour, a different sound, a different intensity of illumination, a different intensity of magnetism, form, different structure, and if you were not to really focus on them, they would seem to be completely random. Them, they would seem to be completely random, and they don't exist all at the same time, or they don't seem to. So this great soup, if you like, of part they, they flash in and out, that's. That's bringing in my knowledge of vague knowledge of science. They appear, flash and disappear, and others are more solid. So that's what I'm seeing. And then, if I go into what I'm experiencing, right in the tiniest, tiniest part of this huge soup. I'm aware that I am, and I'm aware that I am kind of cohesive conglomerate of some of those particles and that each of us is the same, a tiny, tiny little conglomerate selection of those particles, and each of us is unique because we are formed from a unique conglomeration, these particles and the qualities that make up particles, that form each of us. Now, I was thinking about another expression we use in spirituality, hello puss, and that is, and I've used it often, and that's a state of consciousness.

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And again, I was contemplating what would be a state of consciousness if it were more scientifically defined and I've been throwing out there a lot recently soul consciousness, a level of consciousness higher than the month, and this is that, the vision or the experience, the type that I was seeing and I'm seeing now, and that is, and that is within this huge agglomeration of billions again, of intensity of light, intensity of magnetism and other qualities colour, sound that are similar, that similar. And when I try to focus on the concept of soul, it is like trying to become aware of a certain set of particles that have a certain set of qualities within that huge conglomeration of billions of others, of billions of others, and there's a tension of awareness because you are trying to focus just on that particular set of particles with a particular set of qualities, because the qualities of this particular set of particles have a greater intensity of light and a greater intensity of magnetism, other intensity of qualities. There is a different set of particles within this globe sphere. If I try and focus on another level, it's not a level, another set of qualities that imbue a different level, set of conscious state, state of consciousness. So there are no levels, it's all intermixed. But a state of consciousness is a focused awareness upon a set of particles that are imbued with a set of similar qualities.

Speaker 1:

Qualities and, to think scientifically, I doubt these could be measured, not by anything that we have at this time to measure them. But there are definitely measurable qualities, such as light and magnetism, colour and sound. But that is the vision that I'm holding at this moment in time and I'm trying to explain it Because it started as an attempt to have a more scientific understanding of a lot of the terms that we throw around when we're trying to describe spirituality and the understanding that we have as a yogi or a spiritual person, and we throw around terms such as energy and forces and levels of consciousness. So this is me energy and forces and levels of consciousness. So this is me trying to explain the vision that I'm actually still trying to hold in trance of an explanation of some of those terms. And so we are all existing as a conglomerate, tiny conglomerate within the whole of particles that are imbued with different qualities, some of those qualities being light and magnetism, color and sound, and I'm sure there are other qualities that we don't understand yet and states of consciousness I'm never going to use the word level again.

Speaker 1:

States of consciousness is an awareness of those particles that have similar qualities, and I've always thrown around terms such as light and illumination, light love, divine illumination, divine love, and I'm getting the sense that divine illumination is light. Divine illumination is light. It's a quality, a different quality or intensity, is different to that that we define as human love, and I get a sense of those two, the difference of those two qualities as imbued in the particles within this sphere. And finally, just to throw into the mix something else that we throw out there as spiritual people, divine. Will we always talk about the three things divine love, divine, spiritual people, divine. Will we always talk about the three things divine love, divine light and divine will and that would be, if there were purpose to the combination and attraction between these billions of particles. Is it chaos? Is it completely random the way they are drawn together and affect each other? Because I see the way these particles do affect each other. Obviously, if one has a greater illumination, it throws light, in a sense, upon those closest to it. If it has a greater illumination, it throws light, in a sense, upon those closest to it. If it has a greater magnetism, it divine will.

Speaker 1:

That I cannot see trying to gain an understanding of a more scientific way of describing some of the terms that we use when we're describing spirituality and spiritual experience, and I'm drawing myself back from a trance state to there we go. So what I was trying to do this morning was describe something that a yogi experiences quite often, which is when they trying to understand a subject and get a clearer understanding of it. They very often go into a trance state in meditation and receive for want of a better word a vision of that concept or what they're contemplating. And I've been having discussions with Chris here on Wisdom about trying to understand some of the spiritual concepts in a more scientific way, and that was what I was contemplating this morning when I went into meditation and in trying to explain to wisdom just what being a yogi is about and, um, how we get an illuminational understanding of, of things. And that's how it happens. Um, we get a vision. Um, and it's very important that we hold a clarity of emotion and thought while we're doing it and even afterwards, which I'm trying to do at the moment, because we do not want the, and the word that comes to me is veils. We do not want the.

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It's so difficult when you are in a trance state to try and ground yourself into your mind and thoughts and express them. So, when we have a personality, obviously your experience is set up fails is not the right word but you see through your separate understanding of the things that you're envisioning and it's very important to set those aside and just describe what you are seeing, just purely describing it as you see it in that moment, without trying to define it, without trying to explain it, without seeing it through okay, I'll use that term seeing it through the veils of your particular personality. So that's what I've tried to do this morning. It's very early in the UK and thank you for the three listeners that are listening. I hope that's made any sense and if you want to come up and chat to me about it, I'm very happy to do so in this moment, before I fully bring myself back down into the and I'm never going to use levels state of consciousness, that is this personality and actually go and get a breakfast.

Speaker 1:

So, as a yogi, we do experience these states of consciousness and these visions when we're trying to understand this life and all those deep questions that we ask ourselves as personalities here in this life, and they don't come that often.

Speaker 1:

So the and that I can have different terminology now the more experienced you are at connecting to and holding those relevant particles with those relevant qualities within your awareness oh God, that's a long way to say connect with soul the more you practice, the more you can hold that state of consciousness, that awareness of those qualities within this environment which is called planet Earth that's what the spherical form is the more you can bring your awareness to a different state of understanding and the more the visions become clear. And the more the visions become clear and I guess, the more often they will come to you, and nowadays I might have a vision of this intensity. Maybe it once a week, they used to be about once a month. They are increasing because, basically, wisdom is throwing up some important questions for me to look at, and one of those questions which started this one off.